Britain』s political consensus on climate starts to fracture | 英國在氣候問題上的政治共識開始破裂 - FT中文網

Britain』s political consensus on climate starts to fracture

New Conservative party leader Kemi Badenoch has repeatedly criticised UK』s net zero target
In 2019, the House of Commons unanimously passed legislation committing the UK to a legally binding target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050, an unusual display of parliamentary unity. That political consensus is now under strain. 
New Conservative party leader Kemi Badenoch has repeatedly criticised the net zero target, and Nigel Farage’s Reform party — albeit with only a handful of MPs — is openly hostile to it.
Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer, whose Labour party enjoys a huge majority in the House of Commons, says he is firmly committed to the climate target.
Yet he insists — to critics’ scepticism — that it can be achieved without big changes to consumer behaviour, such as reducing flights or eating less meat.
Starmer’s government faces a moment of truth as it pushes industry towards low-carbon products such as electric vehicles and electric heat pumps for which consumer demand is uncertain. Last week, industry lobbying over targets for EVs and heat pumps demonstrated the pressure the government will face if it sticks to its pledges.
Under the 2019 update to the Climate Change Act, the UK is committed to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 with a clear trajectory of increasingly tough five-year “carbon budgets”.
Badenoch has stopped short of calling for the net zero target to be abolished, but in 2022 she described it as “unilateral economic disarmament”. 
在競選領導人期間,她從氣候行動懷疑論組織Net Zero Watch主席Neil Record手中收受了10,000英鎊,同時還利用他的房子作爲競選辦公室。
During her leadership campaign she took £10,000 from Neil Record, chair of Net Zero Watch, a climate action-sceptical group, while also using his house as a campaign office.
She declared at the Tory conference: “I’m not a climate sceptic. But I am a net zero sceptic.” One ally said she believed the target had left Britain vulnerable and with an “undue reliance on China”, the world’s biggest exporters of green technology.
On Thursday Badenoch said Starmer’s “rush to a further cut in our emissions” — referring to a new target announced at the COP29 summit of an 81 per cent cut by 2035 — was prioritising “short-term publicity” over long-term planning.
她的立場與2021年在格拉斯哥舉行的COP26會談期間保守黨首相鮑里斯•強森(Boris Johnson)相去甚遠,後者是2050年淨零排放的熱情倡導者。
Her position is a far cry from Boris Johnson, Tory prime minister during the COP26 talks in Glasgow in 2021, who was a passionate advocate for Net Zero 2050. 
Starmer said there had been a “real unity” during those Glasgow talks three years ago.
“I think the fact that [Badenoch] has now taken the position she has of attacking the very idea of setting targets shows just how far the party opposite has fallen,” he told the Commons on Thursday. 
與此同時,改革黨將反綠色政策置於其平臺的核心,誓言徹底廢除淨零目標,聲稱這一舉措導致能源成本飆升,"讓我們變得更加貧困和寒冷"。副領袖理查德•泰斯(Richard Tice)表示,他希望在下一次選舉中對抗"淨零的極端狂熱"。改革黨只有五名議員,但民意調查顯示它獲得了18%選民支援。
Meanwhile, Reform has put anti-green policies at the centre of its platform, vowing it would scrap the net zero target altogether, which it claims has sent energy costs soaring and is “making us poorer and colder”. Deputy leader Richard Tice says he wants to fight the next election against the “extreme cult of net zero”. Reform only has five MPs but polls indicate it has the support of 18 per cent of voters.
英國綠色和平組織政策主任道格•帕爾(Doug Parr)說,工黨擁有絕大多數席位,不太可能在短期內「退縮」。
Doug Parr, policy director for Greenpeace UK, said Labour had a large majority and was unlikely to “go into retreat” any time soon. 
“The UK is not the US in terms of public attitudes to climate change. Reform voters tend to be more net zero sceptic, but they are not opposed to climate action,” he argued. “If the Tories increasingly adopt a net zero or climate sceptic attitude, they are putting a ceiling on their own votes.” 
But Chris Venables, director of politics at Green Alliance, said the group was “really alarmed” by the shift in tone. “It’s a really worrying time for climate politics in the UK.” 
More in Common的民調顯示,英國沒有一個選區的選民對氣候變化的關注度低於50%,YouGov在7月份的民調顯示,74%的公衆支援淨零排放目標,高於4月份的69%。
Polling by More in Common shows there is no constituency in Britain where concern about climate change is lower than 50 per cent of voters, and a YouGov poll in July found that 74 per cent of the public support the net zero target, up from 69 per cent in April. 
But voters broadly supporting green policies is not the same as them being willing to pay for them.
There have been two significant policy shifts in recent days illustrating the challenge of going green without penalising consumers or industry. 
Firstly, ministers are seeking loopholes to help carmakers hit a stretching “electric vehicle mandate” under which a rising percentage of sales must be EVs every year. Secondly, the government cut the level of planned fines from next April from £3,000 to £500 per unit for boilermakers who fail to sell enough heat pumps
“There is a real job on our hands to articulate why all of this policy matters and translate it back to the lived reality of people in this country,” said Venables. “The government has to be really careful about not going too fast in pushing forward on policy, in order to bring the public with them.”
Labour has claimed its green policies will cut energy bills by £300 by 2030. But its analysis has been criticised as it was based on research by the energy think-tank Ember, which took as its starting point autumn 2023 when bills were high due to the knock-on effects of the energy crisis.
自那時以來,電費已經顯著下降。影子能源大臣克萊爾•庫蒂尼奧(Claire Coutinho)聲稱這一數字是「謊言」。
Electricity bills have already fallen significantly since then. Claire Coutinho, shadow energy secretary, has claimed the figure is a “lie”. 
A Labour spokesman said on Saturday that it was committed to the goal of cutting bills by up to £300 by 2030, compared to 2024 averages.
Not all Tory MPs agree with Badenoch’s stance. A poll by the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit think-tank recently found the proportion of Conservative MPs supportive of net zero rose from 70 per cent before the general election to 81 per cent after — albeit based on a much reduced cohort.
地球之友科學、政策和研究主管Mike Childs表示,一些右翼政客「不負責任」,試圖「製造一場文化戰爭」。
Mike Childs, head of science, policy and research at Friends of the Earth, said some rightwing politicians were being “irresponsible” and attempting to “create a culture war”.




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