American consumers have become used to buying T-shirts, plushies and other knick-knacks from the likes of Temu and Shein at rock-bottom prices. Whether they knew it or not, their bargains were partly the result of an old tax loophole that is now being taken away. Fortunately for them, the future of online binge-buying remains cheap, if a little less cheerful.
President Donald Trump’s crackdown on the “de minimis rule” — which allows overseas packages valued at $800 or less to enter the US tax-free as long as they are sent directly to individuals — means that a $10 mini skirt, dinner-plate set or inflatable hamburger outfit will now be subject to normal import taxes as well as the extra 10 per cent tariff that Trump has levied on all imports from China.
美國總統唐納•川普(Donald Trump)對「微量豁免規則」(de minimis rule)的打擊——該規則允許價值800美元或以下的海外包裹直接寄給個人時免稅進入美國——意味著一條10美元的迷你裙、餐具套裝或充氣漢堡服裝現在將需要繳納正常的進口稅,以及川普對所有來自中國的進口商品徵收的額外10%的關稅。
Temu, in particular, has been preparing for this day. The online store, part of Chinese internet group PDD, has been growing strongly. Bernstein Research reckons its global gross merchandise value — the total of all goods sold — jumped from $17bn in 2023 to more than $50bn last year. The figure could double to $97bn by 2026, according to Goldman Sachs.
特別是Temu,一直在爲這一天做準備。作爲中國網路集團拼多多(PDD)的一部分,這家在線商店一直在強勁成長。伯恩斯坦研究(Bernstein Research)估計,其全球商品總值(GMV)——即所有商品的總銷售額——從2023年的170億美元躍升至去年的500多億美元。根據高盛(Goldman Sachs)的數據,這一數字到2026年可能會翻倍至970億美元。
It has also diversified geographically — limiting the impact of tax loophole closures. The US accounts for less than half of Temu’s global GMV, compared with 100 per cent three years ago, when the app first launched.
Meanwhile, Temu has moved away from its “direct from China factory floors” consignment business model. It has recruited vendors who already have goods in US and European warehouses and simply use Temu as a shop window. Goods sold under this semi-consignment model, in which vendors handle their own shipping and delivery logistics, were already imported in bulk, so didn’t benefit from the de-minimis perk. Temu competes with Amazon for their business, with lower and fewer fees.
與此同時,Temu 已經捨棄了「直接從中國工廠發貨」的寄售業務模式。它招募了那些已經在美國和歐洲倉庫中有貨物的供應商,僅僅將 Temu 作爲一個展示視窗。在這種半寄售模式下,供應商自行處理運輸和交付物流,商品已經以批次進口,因此無法享受免稅優惠。Temu 以更低和更少的費用與亞馬遜(Amazon)競爭這些業務。
This strategic shift leaves Temu less reliant on China-based merchants selling small lots of merchandise overseas. Indeed, semi consignment vendors now account for about a quarter of Temu’s US GMV, says Goldman. The adoption of this model in other countries means only 20 per cent of Temu’s global GMV is exposed to potential changes in the de minimis provision, added Bernstein.
Like Shein, which is unlisted but considering a London initial public offering, Temu doesn’t need a tax quirk to be a big threat to bricks-and-mortar retailers. Trump’s trade war is expected to drive prices for everything from avocados to energy higher — which means the “trading down” trend could get a new fillip. De minimis might describe these retailers’ prices, but the businesses themselves are anything but.