Susan Wojcicki, top Google executive, 1968-2024 | 蘇珊•沃西基,谷歌高階主管,1968至2024 - FT中文網

Susan Wojcicki, top Google executive, 1968-2024

Former YouTube chief played a major role in shaping online advertising and championed women in the tech industry
The early death of Silicon Valley veteran and former YouTube chief Susan Wojcicki this weekend has prompted an outpouring of condolences from Big Tech heavyweights for an advertising visionary who was also known for being a vocal champion of women in business. 
矽谷資深人士、前YouTube首席執行長蘇珊•沃西基(Susan Wojcicki)在上週末英年早逝,引發了大型科技公司(Big Tech)對這位廣告界遠見者的哀悼。她還因積極支援女性在商界的地位而聞名。
Wojcicki, who has died aged 56 after a two-year battle with lung cancer, was instrumental in growing Google’s mammoth advertising business. By the time she had moved from overseeing it in 2014 to running the video streaming platform YouTube it had ballooned to more than $50bn in revenues.
Google’s 16th employee, Wojcicki was a pivotal figure at what has become one of the world’s most influential companies. She helped steer the evolution of how people — from individual creators to big advertisers — make and spend money online. 
Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google’s parent Alphabet, described Wojcicki as being “as core to the history of Google as anyone”.
谷歌母公司Alphabet的首席執行長桑達爾•皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)形容沃西基「與任何人一樣,都是谷歌歷史的核心人物」。
When announcing her resignation as CEO of Google-owned YouTube last year, Wojcicki said she had dreamt of working for a company “with a mission that could change the world for the better”, and thanked its co-founders for “the adventure of a lifetime” during her 25-year tenure.
Wojcicki studied history and literature at Harvard university, but displayed a prescient interest in the value of technology and coding. She later explained that she believed that “coding is like writing — and we live in a time of the new industrial revolution”.
After a stint as a photojournalist in India, she undertook a masters degree in economics at the University of California before embarking on an MBA. 
在印度擔任攝影記者一段時間後,她在加利福尼亞大學(University of California)攻讀經濟學碩士學位,然後開始了MBA課程。
After university, Wojcicki took a job at chipmaker Intel. But Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin were renting out her garage as they developed the eponymous search engine, and Wojcicki was intrigued.
大學畢業後,沃西基在晶片製造商英特爾找到了一份工作。但谷歌的聯合創辦人拉里•佩奇(Larry Page)和謝爾蓋•布林(Sergey Brin)在開發同名搜索引擎時租用了她的車庫,這讓沃西基很感興趣。
While pregnant with her first child in 1999, she gambled and took a job at the start-up. She later said that, although she had viewed the pair as “students who were doing their first company”, she had seen the “potential of what they were building”.
The move marked an inflection point in Wojcicki’s career, and amounted to “one of the best decisions of my life”, she said last year.
At Google, Wojcicki rose up the ranks to eventually lead its advertising business, and helped build a host of core products, including Google image search and the AdSense advertising network that later drew the ire of antitrust authorities in the EU and US. 
In the early days, Wojcicki was “shepherding [the ads business] not just for Google but for the entire industry,” given that it was a “nascent” space, Keval Desai, a tech investor who worked alongside Wojcicki at Google for several years, told the FT.
曾與沃西基在谷歌共事多年的科技投資者凱瓦爾•德賽(Keval Desai)告訴英國《金融時報》,在早期,沃西基不僅爲谷歌,也爲整個行業「引領著(廣告業務)」,因爲這是一個「新興」的領域。
A private person who did not court the limelight in the way of some Silicon Valley executives, Mercury News in 2011 crowned her “the most important Googler you’ve never heard of”. AdWeek mused in 2013 on whether Wojcicki was “the most important person in advertising”.
作爲一個沒有像某些矽谷高階主管那樣追求曝光率的低調人物,2011年,《水星新聞》(Mercury News)將她譽爲「你從未聽說過的最重要的谷歌人」。2013年,《廣告週刊》(AdWeek)曾探討沃西基是否是「廣告界最重要的人物」。
Her role in Google’s 2006 acquisition of YouTube, which she would go on to lead for almost a decade, was another defining moment. Alive to the company’s fast-growing video business and the potential for other companies to swoop in and buy it, Wojcicki sketched out a case for buying it in “probably . . . an hour”, she said later.
Her vision for the platform was dynamic and evolved at pace with the fast-moving streaming and ad spaces. From when she took over in 2014, she oversaw the growth of the “creator economy”, and in 2020 launched YouTube Shorts in response to growing competition from video platform TikTok.
她對該平臺的願景與時俱進,隨著串流媒體和廣告領域的快速變化不斷發展。自2014年接任以來,她推動了「創作者經濟」的成長,並於2020年推出了YouTube Shorts,以應對來自影片平臺TikTok日益激烈的競爭。
“Creators are the beating heart of YouTube”, but Wojcicki was “the reason everyone at YouTube cared so deeply about those creators” whom she “went out of her way to meet,” said Priscilla Lau, who worked alongside her at YouTube for almost a decade.
在YouTube與沃西基共事近十年的普麗西拉•劉(Priscilla Lau)表示:「創作者是YouTube的跳動的心臟」,但沃西基是「讓YouTube的每個人都如此關心這些創作者的原因」,她「特意去見這些創作者」。
Wojcicki also presided over the growth of YouTube’s advertising business which, like social network Facebook, increasingly stole advertising dollars from linear television. She launched its ad-free paid tier in 2015, and by the time she stepped down last year YouTube had more than 2.5bn monthly active users and nearly $30bn in annual ad revenues.
YouTube cofounder Steve Chen told the FT the “success” that the platform had continued to see “has very directly tied to the incredible, inclusive method in which Susan ran the company”.
YouTube的聯合創辦人陳士駿(Steve Chen)告訴FT,平臺持續取得的「成功」與蘇珊經營公司的令人難以置信、包容的方式密切相關。
“She was incredibly patient and attentive to the opinions of everyone that worked at Google and YouTube,” he added.
With the explosion of content on social media and streaming sites came controversy, however, and Wojcicki was among the tech chiefs forced to grapple with the challenge of how to police problematic content.
YouTube was hit with an advertisers boycott in 2017 after ads began appearing alongside offensive and extreme content, prompting Wojcicki to hire more moderators and join other social media chiefs who were pledging to do better.
But Wojcicki was not subject to the same scrutiny as the Facebook and X founders Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey, the bigger public personalities who were hauled up in front of US lawmakers numerous times to be grilled. That led some to worry that the scale of the problem on YouTube itself was not being sufficiently scrutinised. 
但沃西基並不像Facebook和X的創辦人馬克•祖克柏(Mark Zuckerberg)和傑克•多爾西(Jack Dorsey)那樣受到同樣的嚴格審查,這兩位更爲公衆熟知的人物多次被美國議員傳喚接受質詢。這導致一些人擔心,YouTube本身的問題規模沒有得到足夠的審查。
The daughter of journalist Esther Wojcicki, who wrote a book about “how to raise successful people”, Wojcicki will also be remembered as an inspiration to women in tech, an advocate of the importance of workplace diversity and a pioneer of paid parental leave across the male-dominated tech industry. 
作爲記者埃絲特•沃西基(Esther Wojcicki)的女兒,她曾寫過一本關於「如何培養成功人士」的書。沃西基還將被銘記爲科技界女性的榜樣,工作場所多樣性的重要倡導者,以及在男性主導的科技行業中推動帶薪育兒假的先驅。
The mother of five became Google’s first employee to go on maternity leave, and her advocacy around parental leave “set a new standard for businesses everywhere,” wrote Pichai this weekend.
In spite of her success, Wojcicki wrote in a 2017 Fortune column that she had “time and again” as a woman and mother faced questions about her ability and commitment to her work. 
That same year, public allegations of gender discrimination in the tech sector prompted Wojcicki to write in Vanity Fair that she was “frustrated that an industry so quick to embrace and change the future can’t break free of its regrettable past” and demand that tech CEOs “make gender diversity a personal priority”.
Former Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg described Wojcicki as “one of the most important women leaders in tech — the first to lead a major company”, adding: “I don’t believe my career would be what it is today without her unwavering support.”
Facebook前首席運營官雪莉•桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)稱沃西基是「科技界最重要的女性領導者之一,也是首位領導一家大型公司的女性」,並補充道:「如果沒有她堅定的支援,我相信我的職業生涯不會有今天的成就。」
“She showed women that it was possible to excel in a thriving career and still be home by 6pm to have dinner with their families,” said Lau.
Wojcicki’s battle with cancer was not widely known, though she said when stepping down from YouTube last year that she planned to “start a new chapter focused on my family, health and personal projects I’m passionate about”. A short time later her son Marco Troper died tragically from an overdose while a student at Berkeley.
沃西基與癌症的鬥爭並不廣爲人知,儘管她在去年辭去YouTube職務時表示計劃「開始一個專注於家庭、健康和我熱衷的個人項目的新篇章」。不久之後,她的兒子馬爾科•特羅珀(Marco Troper)在伯克利讀書期間不幸因過量服藥而去世。
The outpouring of condolences and fond recollections of Wojcicki since her death was announced has been striking. 
Former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton highlighted Wojcicki’s ability to nurture an idea into “something that changes the world” and said she would “miss her brilliance, her kindness, and all she did to open opportunities in tech to people of all backgrounds”.
美國前國務卿希拉里•柯林頓(Hillary Clinton)強調了沃西基將一個想法培育成「改變世界的東西」的能力,並表示她會「懷念她的才華、善良以及她爲各個背景的人在科技領域開拓機會所做的一切」。
Desai said she had been “involved in every single important decision that Google ever made.” The company’s “belief that doing good is the primary north star is because of Susan,” he said. 
Several people said Wojcicki had been an empathetic leader and a calm negotiator who spoke in plain terms and was able to win and retain the trust of the Google founders.
Wojcicki is survived by her husband, Denis Troper, and her four remaining children, as well as her two sisters, Janet and Anne — the latter co-founded biotech company 23andMe and was married to google founder Brin until 2015.
“She was very down to earth,” Hadi Partovi, chief of educational non-profit on whose board Susan Wojcicki sat, told the FT.
「她是一個腳踏實地的人,」教育非營利組織Code.org的首席執行長哈迪•帕爾托維(Hadi Partovi)告訴英國《金融時報》。蘇珊•沃西基是Code.org的董事會成員。
“It’s sad for the tech industry to have lost one of its greatest.”











