嘉地酒園,英文名稱 Jade Vineyard 寓意一塊美玉,坐落在銀川賀蘭山東麓。作爲中國新興精品酒莊,懷揣著要做中國頂級葡萄酒的夢想,在賀蘭山東麓海拔1180米、億萬年處女地辛勤拓荒開墾,酒莊佔地22公頃,葡萄園種植面積15公頃。嘉地酒園始終以國際水準爲標杆,尊重自然,力求展現中國風土特色。嘉地酒園,用國際視野,做中國好酒。
One mountain, One terroir, One taste.
Jade Vineyard, as its name implies, is a fine jade located at the east foothill of Helan Mountain beside Yinchuan city. We sweat on the million-year virgin soil at the Jinshan International Wine Grape Test Zone. It is an up-rising vineyard in China and is bearing the ideal to make Chinese fine wine. Within its 15 hectares coverage, Jade Vineyard is benchmarking the international standards with an international vision, and meanwhile respects nature and expresses Chinese terroir characteristics.