Andrew Slade, FT journalist, 1963-2025 | 安德魯•斯萊德,英國《金融時報》記者,1963-2025年 - FT中文網

Andrew Slade, FT journalist, 1963-2025

Talented but unassuming news editor who was universally admired in the FT newsroom
Andy Slade in the foreground at his desk in the FT newsroom in October 2007
2007年10月,安迪•斯萊德(Andy Slade)在英國《金融時報》新聞編輯室的辦公桌前
It is a tradition in British newspapers, dating back to the era of hot metal printing, to “bang out” cherished colleagues on their retirement, these days with a cacophony of hands beating on desks as they depart the newsroom for the last time.
When Andrew Slade, who has died aged 61, left the Financial Times in 2019 after 29 years, he was banged out not once, but twice. Suspecting the unassuming news editor would try to slip away unnoticed, colleagues erupted when he was spotted moving quietly out of the room late in the afternoon. The noise had barely subsided when he returned, abashed, to fetch his things. The second round was louder than the first.
安德魯•斯萊德(Andrew Slade)去世,享年61歲。他在英國《金融時報》工作了29年,於2019年離職時,不是一次,而是兩次被同事們熱烈歡送。因爲同事們懷疑這位低調的新聞編輯會悄悄離開,所以當他在下午晚些時候被發現悄悄走出房間時,大家立刻歡呼起來。喧鬧聲剛剛平息,他又不好意思地回來取東西。第二輪歡送比第一次更熱烈。
The warmth of the send-off was a testament to the esteem and affection in which Andy, as he was universally known by his colleagues, was held at the FT.
Throughout a period marked by stock market bubbles, 9/11, the financial crisis, Brexit, the first Trump era, and much more, Slade was a reassuring figure at the heart of the newsroom. He had an unerring eye for accuracy, balance and tone, all dispensed with dry humour emanating from under his ample moustache.
“He was a kind, calm, unassuming man and a proper professional,” said financial columnist Katie Martin. “He didn’t monkey with your copy if it didn’t need it, but he did make your words better when it did. Lots of organisations hinge on quiet hard workers like that, and he was a prime example.”
財經專欄作家凱蒂•馬丁(Katie Martin)說:「他是一個善良、冷靜、謙遜的人,是一位真正的專業人士。如果你的稿子不需要修改,他不會隨意改動,但在需要時,他會讓你的文字更出色。許多組織都依賴於這樣默默無聞的辛勤工作者,而他就是一個典範。」
Born in Portsmouth, Slade studied history at the London School of Economics, attracted to LSE in part by the fact that Mick Jagger had been there before him. He became a journalist, inspired by the film All the President’s Men, about the Washington Post investigation into the Watergate scandal. He started as a reporter for the Army Quarterly and Defence Journal before moving to Jane’s Defence Weekly, where he became chief subeditor.
斯萊德出生於朴茨茅斯,在倫敦政治經濟學院(LSE)學習歷史,部分原因是因爲米克•賈格爾(Mick Jagger)曾在他之前就讀於此。受到電影《總統班底》的啓發,他成爲了一名記者,該電影講述了《華盛頓郵報》對水門事件的調查。他最初在《陸軍季刊與國防雜誌》擔任記者,隨後轉到《簡氏防務週刊》,併成爲首席副編輯。
Andy Slade directing coverage during the financial crisis in October 2008
He joined the FT as a sub in 1990. He had ambitions to become a defence correspondent, but it was Slade’s skills as an editor and his understanding of corporate affairs that saw him rise to become head of the International Companies desk, Financial News Editor and News Editor of In the latter job, he played an important role in helping the FT shift from a traditional printer of newspapers to 24-hour digital publishing. 
The relationship between reporters and editors can be testy, but Slade had a knack for seeming supportive, even when surgery on the copy was required. Writers respected his deep knowledge of the corporate world (he anchored much of the FT’s coverage of the Enron scandal) and responded to his wry humour. He was greatly valued by young reporters for his tips and advice.
Barney Jopson, now a seasoned FT correspondent, recalled that Slade once cut a string of Morgan Stanley analyst comments out of an IPO story he had written as a rookie reporter. “He gently explained to me that their gushing exuberance was perhaps related to the fact that Morgan Stanley was underwriting the float. I never forgot the lesson.”
現在已是經驗豐富的英國《金融時報》記者巴尼•喬普森(Barney Jopson)回憶說,斯萊德曾在他作爲新手記者撰寫的一篇首次公開募股(IPO)報導中刪掉了一串摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)分析師的評論。「他溫和地向我解釋說,他們的熱情洋溢可能與摩根士丹利正在承銷這次上市有關。我從未忘記這個教訓。」
Another reporter remembered being called over after misspelling Vodafone as Vodaphone. “An ‘f’, not ‘ph’,” Slade admonished her. “Easy to remember. It’s ’effing Vodafone’.”
Slade enjoyed a happy family life. He and his wife Vanessa met at school and were married for 34 years. Slade was immensely proud of his children: Michael, a software developer and talented cricketer, and Miranda, a journalist like her father. Sometimes his sub’s instincts got the better of him in his eagerness to help the children. He once decided that Miranda’s geography homework assignment was “unforgivably bloated” at 400 words. “He stood over my shoulder and dictated rewrites. It didn’t get a very good grade if I recall correctly, but it was a very neat 150 words.”
The family enjoyed summer holidays together on Corfu, where Slade would indulge his abiding love of reading history. When he and Vanessa celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary, she gave a lovingly sentimental speech, reports Miranda. Slade responded with just five words: “You get less for murder.”
No one who knew him could miss Slade’s passion for cricket, football and other sports, notably American football. It was part of what made him a formidable pub quiz contestant. He was a devoted supporter of Queen’s Park Rangers, rarely missing a home game. Indeed, his fatal stroke occurred at a QPR game just before Christmas. In summer, post-retirement, he was to be found in the pavilion at the Oval, watching Surrey and England Test matches, meeting friends and colleagues for pints in the intervals.
任何認識斯萊德的人都不會忽視他對板球、足球和其他運動,尤其是美式橄欖球的熱情。這也是他成爲一名出色的酒吧問答比賽選手的原因之一。他是女王公園巡遊者(Queen』s Park Rangers)的忠實支持者,很少錯過主場比賽。事實上,他的致命中風發生在耶誕節前的一場女王公園巡遊者比賽中。退休後的夏天,他常常出現在橢圓球場的看臺上,觀看薩里和英格蘭的測試賽,並在間歇時與朋友和同事喝啤酒。
He was never shy of expressing his frustration with the perceived shortcomings of sporting administrators and even his fellow fans. Irritated by a long rain break during a Test match in the summer of 2023, he messaged a friend: “People posing for selfies with Piers Morgan — I’ve seen enough. Retired to the pub.”
他從不羞於表達對體育管理者和甚至是他同爲球迷的人的不滿。2023年夏天,在一場測試賽中因長時間的雨暫停而感到惱火時,他給朋友發信息說:「有人在和皮爾斯•摩根(Piers Morgan)自拍——我已經看夠了。退到酒吧去了。」




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