Enron is back, and it looks like it could be . . . a crypto-ish thing, maybe, from the founders of Birds Aren’t Real.
安然(Enron)回來了,看起來可能是……一種類似加密貨幣的東西,也許是來自「鳥類不存在」(Birds Aren』t Real)創辦人的作品。
At the very least, Enron.com came back online today, with a funny commercial full of corporate buzzwords and some pricey merch. (You can find slightly less expensive finance merch here by the way!)
The Enron trademark was bought in 2020 by the guys who founded Birds Aren’t Real (through their firm The College Company LLC). For UK readers who might not be familiar, Birds Aren’t Real is a fake conspiracy theory — basically an extended bit — that has the rare qualities of 1) being very clever and 2) not requiring its founders to immolate their own reputations for the sake of attention.
安然商標於2020年被創立「鳥類不存在」的人(透過他們的公司The College Company LLC)購買。對於可能不熟悉的英國讀者來說,「鳥類不存在」是一個虛構的陰謀論——基本上是一個延伸的玩笑——它具有罕見的特點:1)非常聰明,2)不需要其創辦人爲吸引注意而犧牲自己的聲譽。
Anyway, Connor Gaydos, the Birds Aren’t Real cofounder, went ahead and incorporated Enron Corp in Delaware in February 2024. Now Enron.com features a countdown and a Decentralisation link at the bottom of the page:
無論如何,鳥類不存在的聯合創辦人康納•蓋多斯(Connor Gaydos)於2024年2月在特拉華註冊了安然公司(Enron Corp)。現在,安然.com網站底部有一個倒計時和一個去中心化的鏈接:
True innovation doesn’t ask for permission. Decentralized technology is advancing, and we will of course have a role to play in its future. We couldn’t be more excited to show you, but until then please stay vigilant and avoid falling for scams. When we announce something, you’ll know.
Are the Birds Aren’t Real guys launching a shitcoin?! If so, it looks like they’re asking fellow social-media users to please not respond to any random DMs asking for money.
We haven’t been able to learn what’s at the end of the countdown just yet, besides, uh . . . next Tuesday. But a press rep says that they’ll have a “big announcement in the energy space,” which regular readers will know has something to do with cryptocurrency.